2022 | Narrative Short | 18 min | Digital | 1.85 : 1

Cast: Mía Flores Pirán, Luis Ortega

— Synopsis

After love comes family—thus, the first-time mother decides to get rid of every link that no longer has a place in her life, even that of her partner and the ghost of the father figure, which always comes back, reincarnated in an old car.

— Statement

The immortal formula is put to the test once more—a car, a girl, and a boy. Movement, changes, love, humor, family, distances, indifference, music, cinema, cigarettes. A car is passed on from father to daughter and is less an inheritance than a legacy, a tenacious permanence, a persistence. With unusual passion, insatiable and loaded with imagination and boldness, what persists in Macadam is film. What also persists is that television from the past had cinematic relief. The reliefs, textures, and references that Macadam amalgamates with miraculous flair and generous fluency go from the Twilight Zone to Jean-Luc Godard and John Carpenter. Ignacio Sarchi, a producer until now, appears surprisingly and astonishingly as the first-time director—one loaded with cinephile courage and nobility—we had been expecting. (Javier Porta Fouz)

— Technical data

Directed by Ignacio Sarchi
Written by Ignacio Sarchi, Fabián Casas
Genre Drama
Duration 17′
Production Argentina - Switzerland
Shooting Location Buenos Aires, Argentina
Format 4K
Languages Spanish
Subtitles English, German, French, Spanish
World Premiere 23rd BAFICI Buenos Aires

— Production

Produced by Ignacio Sarchi, Patrick Jeanneret
Co-produced by
Youmi Haefelin-Roch & Kevin Haefelin
Production Company 188 Casa Productora, IB Prod ltd & Kumoshika Productions Sàrl

— Crew

Image Leandro Monti | Editing Delfina Castagnino | Sound Renaud Musy | Production Design Marina Raggio, Soledad Guerrero | Lab Freestudios | Sound Postproduction Nos Sons Mix Sàrl

